Tag Archives: Cairo

The Liberal First-Mover Advantage

By Renard Teipelke In a previous article (here), I have discussed the bombastic growth plans of the airports in Dubai, Doha, and Abu Dhabi. With regard to their proximity and location within desserts, I have hinted at the lack of … Continue reading

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A Sense of Scale – Part I

By Renard Teipelke I wanted to put a simple scale definition here, but I did not like what I found. What is scale with regard to cities? Generally, it is about size, dimensions, relationality. Particularly I am referring to scale … Continue reading

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The Zabbaleen – Functional Informal Waste Management in Cairo – Part II

By Jakob Hebsaker and Renard Teipelke* In our first article, we introduced the waste management system in Cairo. Now, we want to shed light on recent developments and further implications for the future. The waste management system in Cairo knows … Continue reading

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The Zabbaleen – Functional Informal Waste Management in Cairo – Part I

By Jakob Hebsaker and Renard Teipelke* Waste management might belong to those urban issues that are best managed when we do not recognize them. Once we are complaining about dirty streets or overflowing trash cans, we are reminded of hidden … Continue reading

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Cultural Flagship Projects – Part III

By Renard Teipelke In my last article of this series on cultural flagship projects, I will present my conclusions of the research I conducted during a field trip in February in Cairo and Alexandria*. I will specifically focus on the … Continue reading

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Cultural Flagship Projects – Part II

by Renard Teipelke In my first article on cultural flagship projects*, I tried to conceptualize the topic. Now, I will connect the flagship idea ‘Western style’ with the Middle Eastern North African (MENA) region. My last article will deal with … Continue reading

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